Lincoln Electric Cooperative, Inc. is a non-profit distribution electric cooperative headquartered in Eureka, Montana. Our 26 employees provide service to over 5,200 members with more than 6,500 meters on 1,013 miles of power line in portions of Lincoln and Flathead Counties. Lincoln Electric is provided wholesale power from Bonneville Power Administration via a purchasing agreement through membership in PNGC Power
Eureka is located in the heart of the Rocky Mountains with abundant outdoor recreation opportunities. Within 10 minutes is Koocanusa Reservoir, numerous lakes, two 18-hole golf courses, and miles of hiking trails. It is also within 1.5 hours of Glacier National Park, Flathead Lake, five ski resorts, and 10 additional golf courses.
We are open Monday through Thursday from 7:00 am to 5:30 pm. Our headquarter office is located at 312 Osloski Road in Eureka, MT 59917. Give us a call at 406-889-3301. Mail your request to PO Box 628, Eureka, Montana 59917. Or send us an email at info@lincolnelectric.coop.